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  • 应《管理学季刊》邀请,给管理学的研究生推荐战略管理学的阅读材料。今天下午和晚上准备了一下,在我的战略管理博士课程的基础上进行了修订和更新,分别列出100部著作和100篇论文,以期涵盖战略管理的主要领域,注重经典和有代表性的著作。

    100 representative books relevant to strategic management:

    research monographs, collection of papers, andtextbooks and popular business press works of scholarly value

    summarized by dr. hao ma

    fashu chen chair in global strategy and entrepreneurship

    professor of management

    national school of development

    peking university

    abell, d. f. 1980. defining the business. englewood cliffs, nj: prentice hall.

    aaker, d.a.  1984. developing business strategies. new york: wiley.

    aldrich, h. 1979. organizations and environments. englewood cliffs, nj: prenticehall.

    allison, g.  1971. essence of decision. now york: little,brown & co.

    andrews, k.r. 1971. the concept of corporatestrategy. homewood, il: dow jones-irwin.

    ansoff, h.i. 1965. corporate strategy. new york: mcgraw-hill.

    argyris, c. and schon, d.a.  1978. organizationallearning. reading, ma: addison-wesley.

    axelrod, robert. 1984. the evolution of cooperation. new york,ny: basic books.

    bain, j. 1956. barriers to new competition. cambridge, ma: harvard university press.

    bartlett,c. and ghoshal, g. 1989. managing across borders: the transnational solution. boston: harvard business school press.

    barnard, c.i. 1938. the functionsof the executive. cambridge, ma: harvard university press.

    barney, j. b. 1997. gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. boston, ma: addison-wesley.

    besanko, d., dranove, d., shanley, m. and schaefer, s., 2009. economics of strategy. john wiley & sons.

    bower, j. 1970. managing the resource allocation process. homewood, il: irwin.

    brandenburger,a. and nalebuff, b. 1996. coopetition. newyork, ny: currency/ doubleday.

    brown, s.l. and eisenhardt, k.m., 1998. competingon the edge: strategy as structured chaos. harvard business press.

    burt, r. 1982. towards a structural theory of action.  ny: academic press.

    carroll, a.b., 1981. business and society:managing corporate social performance. little brown and company.

    caves, r. 1964. american industry: structure, conduct,performance. englewood cliffs, n.j.: prentice-hall.

    chandler, a.d.  1962. strategy and structure. cambridge, ma: mit press.

    chandler, a.d. 1990. scale and scope: the dynamics ofindustrial capitalism. harvard university press.

    christensen, c., 1997. the innovator's dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail. harper business.

    collis, d. j. and  montgomery, c. a. 1997. corporate strategy: resources and the scope of the firm. chicago, il: irwin.

    cyert, r.r. and march, j.g.  1963. a behavioral theory of the firm. englewood cliffs, n.j.: pentice hall.

    d'aveni, r.a.,1994. hypercompetition. new york: free press.

    deal, t. e. and kennedy, a. a.1982. corporate cultures. reading,ma: addison-wesley.

    de wit, b. and meyer, r., 2010. strategy: process, content, context. cengage learning emea.

    dixit, a.k. and nalebuff, b.j., 1993. thinkingstrategically: the competitive edge in business, politics, and everyday life.w w norton & company.

    drucker, p.f. 1995. innovation and entrepreneurship. harperand row.

    fayol, h. 1930. generaland industrial management. geneva: international management institute.

    finkelstein, s., hambrick, d.c. and cannella, a.a.,2009. strategic leadership: theory and research on executives, top managementteams, and boards. oxford university press, usa.

    fredrickson, james w. 1990. perspectives on strategic management. new york: harper business.

    freedman, l.,2015. strategy: a history. oxford university press.

    freeman, r.e.,2010. strategic management: a stakeholder approach. cambridgeuniversity press.

    ghemawat, p.  1991. commitment: the dynamics of strategy. new york: free press.

    goold, m., campbell, a.and alexander, m., 1994. corporate-level strategy: creating value in the multibusiness company. new york: j. wiley.

    grimm, c.m., lee, h, and smith, k.g. 2006. strategy as action: competitive dynamics and competitive advantage.  oxford university press.

    grant, r.m. 2016. contemporary strategy analysis. john wiley & sons.

    hamel, g. and prahalad, c.k., 2013. competingfor the future. harvard business press.

    hannan, j.t. and freeman, j. 1989. organizational ecology. cambridge ma:harvard university press.

    hart, b.h.l. 1967. strategy:the indirect approach. faber.

    haspeslagh, p. c. andjemison, d. b. 1991. managing acquisitions: creating value through corporate renewal. new york, ny: thefree press.

    henderson, b. 1979. henderson on corporate strategy. cambridge, ma; abt books.

    hofer, c.w. and schendel, d. 1978. strategy formulation: analytical concepts. st. paul, mn: west publishing.

    itami, h. 1987. mobilizing intangible assets. boston,ma: harvard university press.

    johnson, g., scholes, k. and whittington, r., 2008. exploring corporate strategy. pearson education.

    kaplan, r.s. and norton, d.p.,1996. the balanced scorecard: translating strategy into action. harvard business press.

    kim, w.c. and mauborgne, r., 2005. blue ocean strategy. harvard business review press.

    kirzner, i. 1973. competition and entrepreneurship. chicago: university of chicago press.

    kuhn, t. 1970.  the structure of scientific revolutions, 2nd ed. chicago: university of chicago press.

    lawrence, p.r. and lorsch, j.w. 1969. organization and environment. homewood,il: irwin.

    learned, e.p., christensen, c.r., andrews, k.r. andguth, w.d., 1965. business policy: text and cases. homewood, il: rdirwin.

    mcgrath, r.g. and macmillan, i.c., 2000. the entrepreneurial mindset: strategies for continuously creating opportunity in anage of uncertainty. harvard business press.

    march, j.g., 1994. primer on decision making: how decisions happen. simon and schuster.

    march, j.g. and simon, h.a. 1958. organizations. new york: john wiley.

    miles, r.e. and snow, c. 1978. organization strategy, structure, and process. new york: mcgraw-hill.

    mintzberg, h. 1973. the natureof managerial work. new york: harper & row.

    mintzberg, h., 1979. the structuring of organizations. englewood cliffs, nj: prentice hall.

    mintzberg, h.  1994. the rise and fall of strategic planning. new york: the free press.

    mintzberg, h., ahlstrand, b. and lampel, j.,2005. strategy safari: a guided tour through the wilds of strategic management. simon and schuster.

    mintzberg, h., lampel, j., quinn, b.j. and ghoshal, s., 2009. the strategy process: concepts, cases, contexts. pearson.

    nelson, r.p. and winter, s.g. 1982. an evolutionary theory of economic change. cambridge, ma: harvard university press.

    nonaka, i. and takeuchi, h., 1995. the knowledge-creating company: how japanese companies create the dynamics of innovation. oxford universitypress.

    ohmae, k. 1982. the mind of strategist. new york, ny:mcgraw hill.

    penrose, e.t. 1959. the growth of the firm. new york: wiley and sons.

    pettigrew, andrew. 1973. the politics of organizational decision making. london: tavistock.

    pfeffer j. and salancik, g.r. 1978. the external control of organizations: aresource dependence perspective. new york: harper & row.

    pfeffer, j.  1981. powerin organizations. marshfield, ma: pitman.

    pfeffer, j., 1994. competitive advantage through people: unleashing the power of the work force. harvard business press.

    porter, m.e. 1980. competitive strategy. new york: the free press.

    porter, m.e. 1985. competitive advantage. new york: the free press.

    porter, m.e. 1990. competitive advantage of nations. new york: free press.

    quinn, james b. 1980. strategies for change - logical incrementalism. homewood, il:irwin.

    reeves, m., haanaes, k.and sinha, j., 2015. your strategy needsa strategy. harvard business press.

    rumelt, r.p. 2011. good strategy bad strategy. crownbusiness.

    rumelt, r.p. 1974. strategy, structure and economic performance. cambridge, ma:harvard university press.

    rumelt, r.p., schendel, d.e., and teece, d.j. 1994.fundamental issues in strategy.boston: harvard business school press.

    rogers, e.m., 2010. diffusion of innovations. simon and schuster.

    schein, e.h., 2016 (1992). organizational cultureand leadership. jossey-bass.

    schelling, t.c., 1980 (1963). the strategyof conflict. harvard university press.

    schendel, d.e. and hofer, c.w. 1979. strategic management. little brown.

    scherer, f.m., and ross, d. 1990. industrial market structure and economic performance. boston: houghton mifflin.

    schumpeter, j.a. 1934. the theory of economic development. cambridge, ma: harvard press.

    schumpeter, j.a., 2013 (1950). capitalism, socialismand democracy. routledge.

    scott, w. r. 1995. institutions and organizations, thousand oaks, ca: sage.

    selznick, p. 1959. leadership in administration: a sociological perspective. new york:harper & row.

    simon, h.a. 1945. administrative behavior. new york: the free press.

    smith, k.g.,grimm, c.m. and gannon, m.j., 1992. dynamics of competitive strategy.s age publications, inc.

    stigler, g. 1968. the organization of industry. chicago, il: university of chicagopress.

    sull, d. and eisenhardt, k.m., 2015. simple rules:how to thrive in a complex world. houghton mifflin harcourt.

    teece, d.j., 2000. managing intellectual capital: organizational, strategic, and policy dimensions. oup oxford.

    thompson, j.d. 1967. organizations in action. new york: mcgraw hill.

    von clausewitz, c. and graham, j.j., 1873. on war. london: n. trübner & company.

    whittington, r. 2001. what is strategy? cengage learning emea.

    weick, k. 1969. the social psychology of organizations. reading, ma: addison-wesley.

    weick, karl. 1995. sensemaking in organizations. sage publications.

    williamson, o.e. 1975. markets and hierarchies. new york: the free press.

    williamson, o.e., 1985. the economic institutions of capitalism. simon and schuster.

    woodward, j. 1965. industrial organization: theory and practice. new york: oxforduniversity press.

    yip, g.s., 1995. total global strategy.prentice hall.


